Thank You Letter from Ambassador of Kuwait in Cairo for the play "A Child for this Age", Written, Directed by student TAREK ORABY



Work Experience & Recommendation Letter from Chairman of TN Communications &
Al Kahera Wal Nas Satellite Channel (



Thank You Letter from Chairman of the Production Sector at the Egyptian Radio & Television Union "ERTU"
for the TV works of Tarek Oraby



Thank You Letter from the Egyptian Prime Minister for the National Campaign
Against Unemployment in Egypt, Created & Planned by Tarek Oraby in 1999



Resignation Request by Tarek Oraby from Ministry of Health & a reply thank you letter from H.E. Minister of Health







Tarek Oraby' Innovative Marketing Campaign "JOB IN A PIECE OF CHOCOLATE",
Published in the most famous Egyptian journal "Akhbar Alyoum" & other journals (1997 - 1999)



TAREK ORABY in Newspapers as the Advisor to Minister of Health in Egypt (2011)


TAREK ORABY in Newspapers as an Actor (1994)


TAREK ORABY @ LTC Satellite Channel (Nile Sat), about a new literary work in Egypt created by Tarek Oraby & Omyma Elsayed


TAREK ORABY @ Sout El Sha'ab - The Voice Of People - (Official Egyptian TV) about the Egyptian Healthcare file